
An entirely new way to approach entrepreneurship, attuned to the energy of YOU.

a 3-month intuitive journey

to create, launch, and grow your business dream

Your work is your gift to the world. It is the alchemy of your body and spirit — the wisdom of your soul and the experiences in this lifetime that have shaped you and given you something precious and valuable to offer to others.

Your work cannot be put into a box, or “template-ized” and fit into a cookie-cutter formula for success. 

Your essence is so much greater than the sum of the parts that make up a business as we know it today. 

Spiritual Life Coaching

HEre’s the Deal…

Modern online business coaching in the social media age is wildly prescriptive. There are so many formulas out there from coaches that promise *amazing results* if you follow what worked for them, step-by-step. 

And sure, maybe some of those tactics will work for you to a degree. But ultimately, any strategy you adopt that is not aligned with your Soul’s truth will not last. it will burn you out, crumbling under the weight of what your heart really wants. 

you didn't start your business to get burned out and discouraged doing it someone else's way.

I’m here to support you with an entirely different perspective.

What if the way you’ve been running your business hasn’t yielded the results you desire, because it hasn’t been truly aligned with you?

What if it’s all so steeped in should’s, mired in supposed to’s, and obscured up by everyone else’s answers that it’s lost the unique spark of you that created it in the first place?

What might be possible if you stop playing by everyone else’s rules, and start creating your own?


A wildly different way to approach your business.

Spiritual Life Coaching

your spirit knows

The cornerstone of EMERGENCE is the alignment with your truth at Spirit – the Higher Self part of you that knows. The part that isn't beholden to the limiting frameworks that the mind, and the outside world, operate within.

Working from Spirit allows you to see the truth underneath all of the stories that are holding you back.

Once you see the truth, everything can change. The inauthentic and limiting energy that isn't you can be cleared and alchemized. New, more aligned energy can take its place. What's been stuck, starts to move.

Your entrepreneurial journey can then be guided by your own knowing.

That’s when the real magic begins.

Spiritual Life Coach Near Me

“Wow. Working with Zoe has been absolutely incredible and life-changing! She helped bring so much clarity to every aspect of my life.

Although our sessions were focused on my business, I soon realized it was so much more than business coaching. She helped me break through so many blockages around my business and my life — blocks around money, fear of being seen, resistance to receiving pleasure and love, fear of being rejected, and for me, the biggest block, which was connecting to my true feminine energy.

Emergence has helped me transform so many aspects of my life, and has helped me connect more deeply to myself. That is invaluable and I am forever grateful. I highly recommend working with Zoe to anyone wanting more clarity in their life, looking to heal, or looking to expand their work or business.”

-Sara Michelle T., Sound Therapist & Energetic Guide

As a business intuitive, I operate through the lens of this simple truth: everything is energy. 

The things you’re stuck on and confused about? Energy.

The uncertainty and doubt you’re feeling? Energy.

The limiting pictures of what you’re capable of and how much you’re allowed to have? Energy.

And this energy can be shifted, alchemized, and transformed. But first, you have to know that it’s there.

There are layers of noise and density and programming and pictures that have been lodged in your space throughout this lifetime and in lifetimes before. These energies cloud your ability to access your highest and deepest truth. 

Those answers you’ve been struggling to find? That clarity that feels so far away? That way of doing things that feels easeful and effortless and right for YOU? It’s all on the other side of this BS energy that isn’t you that’s getting in the way.

Until these energy blockages are cleared, any amount of doing or creating or “getting things done” in your business will ultimately fall flat, feel unfulfilling, or fail to create the results you desire. 

Working through this lens of energy, together we will uncover the truth of YOUR business and your offerings.

The marketing, messaging, offer structures, and audience that is most aligned with YOU.

We will connect directly with the Spirit of your business, giving you the clarity you’ve been seeking to move forward.

program structure

6 x 90 Minute Virtual 1:1 Sessions 

We will meet approximately every other week on Zoom.

Each session will be a psychic deep dive centered around your unique energy, the energy of your business, and where your spirit wants to guide our process. 

energetic explorations

Areas we will cover on the journey

your truth at spirit

Your soul's truth about your work, your offerings, and what you most want to create in this lifetime (and how you want to share it). Clarifying your truth will reveal and help clear out everything that isn’t.

the spirit of your business

Your business or offering has its own unique essence and voice (even if it hasn't been created yet!). We'll connect with the spirit of your business to source answers from it directly.

current & future offerings

We'll look at your creations from all angles, including what's getting in the way, how your offering or product will be best shared, the needs and desires of the audience that is receiving it, and more.

stuck energy & blocks to success

What is it that's preventing you from starting, expanding or moving forward? What’s stuck? We'll explore and clear control energy, outdated spiritual contracts & agreements, past life karma, and any inauthentic energy you’re handling including punishment, perfectionism, competition, fear, and doubt.

your next steps

Our work together will reveal the next right steps that are needed in order for you to create, grow, or better align with what you want to have in your business. We’ll focus on the actions that are actually correct for you, right now, so you won’t waste any more time or energy on extraneous things that feel like drudgery or that won’t move the needle.

all the important details

Get YOUR answers to all of your questions about pricing, offer structure, marketing channels, messaging, collaborators, hiring of employees or freelancers, and anything else that you're seeking clarity on as a business owner.

your business runs best on your energy. no one else’s answers will ever be able to truly bring your vision to life.

your business, and your people, are waiting for you to lead the way from the soul of who you are.

The uncertain waters of entrepreneurship are the fires that forge the leader you will become.

The first step makes the biggest waves.

you can live in the what-if’s that hold you back…

or you can step into the promise of what is possible.

pay-in-full Program investment


with Two additional PaYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE:

2 x payments of $725

3 x payments of $484

Email me directly at zoe@zoegraman.com for these options.

When I first started my business as a Spiritual Life Coach & Psychic Reader, I tried everything — countless courses and programs, numerous different strategies of marketing, sales, content creation, you name it. Nearly all of them felt icky and inauthentic. Over & over, I was left feeling discouraged and overwhelmed.

It was only once I understood my business through the lens of energy, and found the courage to do it my way, that everything began to change. 

It's now my mission to harness my intuitive abilities in service of conscious entrepreneurs like you who are looking to share their gifts with the world in a way that feels exciting, authentic, and true to who they are.

Zoe Graman
Spiritual Life Coach Trainee

“Having been a coaching client of Zoe’s, it was a no-brainer to step into the energy of Emergence. I already knew that Zoe was magical, wise and generous of spirit. She has a way of helping you see things differently without imposition or judgment. Her ability to read energy and what is present is a true gift; and through that gift, she showed me what was in the way between me and my business. Things that I didn’t even know were there. My time with her has given me clarity and a sense of direction when it comes to moving forward in building my business in a way that fits my energy and what my spirit desires.”

-Erin S. Transformational & Embodiment Coach

What clients are saying

Intuitive Life Coach
Intuitive Life Coach
Intuitive Life Coach
Intuitive Life Coach

“I got a lot out of the Emergence program, even as my goals and ideas changed over the course of our time working together. No matter what was coming up for me, or how my journey evolved, every time I met with Zoe, it was timely, spot on, and helped inspire me to keep moving forward. 

Zoe is great at what she does. Her readings are clear, direct, insightful, and enlightening. I appreciate how she can move stuck and blocked energy and cut to the core of the matter, no matter what issue is presented. She communicates with compassion, neutrality, and just the right amount of humor, even when the information is challenging. I highly recommend Zoe to anyone who is seeking a sharp clairvoyant perspective on their business and their own growth."

-Elissa V., Psychic & Coach


  • Nope! In addition to being supportive for established entrepreneurs, EMERGENCE will be incredibly helpful to those of you who are just getting started and find yourself encountering a lot of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

  • Nope, again! The beauty of EMERGENCE is that it is totally aligned to your energy – it will meet you where you are at, with the answers you need, no matter where that is.

  • We will meet over Zoom for six 90 minute sessions, every other week. I will utilize my psychic abilities to read the energy of different aspects of your business. Each session will be unique in what we explore, and you can bring all of the questions that are present for you each time.

  • I will be working with you psychically, and we will be entirely guided by what your Spirit, and the Spirit of your business, have to say. I will not provide ready-for-you templates or structures of any kind. I will not be giving you the answers, I will be connecting you with yours.

  • Yes! I will send you an audio recording of each of our sessions that you will have the option to download and keep forever.

  • Yes! Please reach out to me directly via email at zoe@zoegraman.com if you would like to sign up with a payment plan, rather than pay-in-full.

  • Due to the nature of this offering, refunds are not available. You can review the terms and conditions on the checkout page.

  • Email me at zoe@zoegraman.com and I will be happy to answer them :)

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate spiritual journey.

This path will force you to face all of those inner shadows and imposter syndrome stories of being less than, not ready, or not good enough.

It will necessitate you to stay committed to an inner compass of your own knowing, pointing you forward into the unknown, through layers and layers of uncertainty, honoring something deep and true within you.

This path will drive you deeper and deeper into your own authority, present you with experiences that force you to trust yourself, to adapt, to face disappointment, to set healthy boundaries, and to know your value and your worth.

Entrepreneurship leads you to becoming the one who is at the helm of your life. The one creating your own sense of safety and security. Making your own rules. Having agency over your time and how you spend it.

It connects you with your sense of purpose as a being, the mission your soul is here to carry out. The vehicle for sharing your gift, your art, in service of others. 

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. And, it’s not for everyone. 

But you are here because there is something inside of you that knows this is your path. That this is your time. That more is possible for you and your work in the world.  

If you're ready to answer the call, I am here to support you.

the world needs your medicine now more than ever.

your emergence awaits.

Zoe Graman - your Intuitive Guide on the transformational path of spiritual entrepreneurship!

Discover the profound impact of an intuitive life coach who can truly see your unique spiritual calling. As an esteemed clairvoyant and Business Intuitive, Zoe's expertise in Spiritual Intuitive Coaching lies in helping visionaries like you manifest their business dreams into tangible reality. Through her remarkable gift of psychic intuition, she uncovers hidden energetic barriers that may be hindering your progress, expansion, or desired level of success. Zoe's psychic readings serve as a catalyst for releasing stagnant energy, allowing for profound shifts and the space for new energy. These intuitive readings will bring you the clarity you desire to move forward in alignment with the highest possible vision for your work. 

With your True Self at the helm of your business, everything starts to align. Prepare for a remarkable transformation of spiritual awakening within yourself, and for the trajectory of your business.